Get off the spinning highway of noise...11/9/2019 My friend, Laurel, and I took a day last week to wander the backroads of South Carolina with our cameras. Laurel is an amazing photographer and captured all kinds of wonderful things from her unique perspective. My results were less than impressive. Anyhoo...that's not what's important. We talked and laughed and saw beautiful things and met wonderful people. This is a piece I made of a sweet little bunkhouse on a 40 acre farm near Greenwood. The place is for sale,'s a little piece of Heaven on Earth. Terry, the lovely woman who has lived there for many many years, and her dog Birdie, took us on a walking tour of the property. Here is what my good husband had to say about it:
"I do love my wife's work. I love this amazing piece! It was born out of a backroads trip through SC that Barbara took with her artist friend Laurel. It's a story of new friendship, art, laughter, amazing hospitality of kind strangers found down old roads. The story of a real world that exists outside the "noise" of a Country spinning itself to nowhere. This work, and the backroad story behind it, gives me hope. Joy still exists, you just need to get off the spinning highway of noise and take an old road with your eyes and more importantly, your heart wide open." That really says it all.
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